Pilot training courses
As far as our pilot training courses go, we pride ourselves on approaching things a bit differently to other microlight schools. To begin with, we like to make absolutely sure that you've made an informed choice about the microlight school you want to fly with. We won't just sign you up for a training course. Instead, we recommend that you have a trial flight with us first, to see whether the experience matches up to your expectations. If you're still keen after that, we'll sit down with you for a good long chat through all the details, including costs and what we'll expect of each other. Importantly, that gives us a chance to decide whether we're right for you, or whether we feel you'd do better in a different training environment.
If, after all this, you decide to sign up for a course of flying training, the first thing you'll notice is that the pace here is deliberately relaxed. Our instructional style is very informal, and when you arrive for your lessons you WON'T feel under pressure - there will be plenty of time for a chat and a cup of tea before you get stuck into your pre-flight checks and the lesson briefing. We allocate you a full half-day slot or a complete evening, which means you can usually expect your lesson to consist of one longer flight or two shorter ones - depending on the weather and the flight exercise we're doing.
Throughout the course, your safety and comfort are our primary concerns, and we want you to get the best possible value for money from every lesson. But we also take the view that every flight should be fun. If it isn't, you need to ask yourself why you're spending the money! So alongside the serious business of equipping you with all the skills you'll need as a qualified pilot, we also give ourselves time to have a good look at the scenery and sights around Byron Bay area. That is why we introduce basic navigation at an early stage in your course.
You should spend a little time reflecting on why you want to learn to fly. It it going to be the beginning of your career path or just a recreational activity? Will you fly locally or want to go and explore our country from above? The objectives people start out with often change after they have some practical experience. Having a reasonable idea of what you want to do and why you want to do it should be known to us. It can have an important bearing on your training.
General health considerations are basically common sense. The medical requirement is that your health meets the requirements necessary to hold a car driver's licence. This significant concession allows people to fly who would otherwise be grounded in General Aviation. RA-Aus flight instructors, however, must hold a valid General Aviation pilot's medical certificate.